Monday, September 19, 2016

6 Things I learned for Next Year's Music Midtown

This past weekend, my roommates and I packed our bags and went to Music Midtown in Atlanta's Piedmont Park. We listened to some of our favorite bands from noon until 11 pm both Saturday and Sunday, ate from food trucks, and experiences a cool festival that only happens once a year. Most of us had never gone to a music festival before so we didn't really know what to expect. Here are a few things I learned that I will know for next year:

1. Pack Lightly. If you don't absolutely need it, you should probably leave it at home. You are allowed to bring in bags of medium size, but you will not want to lug it around all day. You really only need your phone, debit/credit card, and maybe some sunglasses. The less you have to worry about keeping up with, the happier you will be. I brought a small purse, and even that got a little annoying to wear.
2. Eat before you go. If money is not an issue, I'd encourage you to eat at Music Midtown. They have amazing food options from food trucks and other tasty food stands. However, if you are on a budget like I am, the food can be a little pricey. Just about anything from a food stand will be about $10 (even a snack). In order to save money, it would be smart to eat lunch before arriving, and only having to buy one meal while in the festival. Both water, sodas, and alcoholic beverages are also pricey, but there are refillable eater stations that you can use for free to stay hydrated! Bringing in an empty water bottle could save you some major money.
3. Wear comfortable shoes. You will walk A LOT. I walked over 25,000 steps each day without even trying. Just getting from stage to stage to watch different artists will be trek so wear shoes that are comfortable, and will not give you blisters. It is a long day, and the last thing you want is to have to worry about your feet hurting. By all means, don't wear heels.
4. Be ready for any sort of weather. The weather we had at the two days of Music Midtown was like night and day. Saturday was a hot, sunny day without a chance of rain. The grass in the park was dry and people were sitting on the ground watching music. We had to drink lots of water to stay hydrated. Sunday was a torrential downpour, and we were even evacuated from the park for 1 hour because of a tornado warning. With that being said, keeping a poncho in your pocket is essential. Having a cheap poncho or rain jacket will keep you warm and dry during any weather, and will keep you happy even after it stops raining. Its better safe than sorry. It would also be smart to have a meeting point for your group in case you are evacuated when you are separated from one another.
5. Be open to going to bands that you don't know!Going in to Music Midtown, I had a few bands that I knew I wanted to see. There were other bands that I had never heard of before. I ended up having just as much fun at the bands that I didn't know as the ones I did though! Being open minded and flexible will help the weekend go smoothly and keep you happy. You may even find your new favorite band.

6. Download the App! If you want to stay updated on the line up, show times, and show locations, you should download that Music Midtown App. It is very easy to use and will keep you organized. You can also locate your friends, food, and bathrooms on a park map, and even make your own schedule for the day. Its free so why not??

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