Monday, August 29, 2016

Swift's Summer Drama

If you keep up with celebrity news at all, you will know that Taylor Swift has been in the spotlight when it comes to social media this summer. Its not anything that any other celebrity hasn't already endured, but we aren't used to our golden girl, Taylor Swift being the center of the drama. She's been making a splash on Instagram and Snapchat especially, but of course it's nothing she can't shake off.  Let's take a look at some of the drama that has gone down.

In early June, the world found out that Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris had officially split after 15 months of dating. While may fans were heartbroken that the steady couple had called it quits, Taylor and Calvin seemed to be handling it well. Calvin tweeted that he still had a huge amount of respect for Taylor and both celebrities seemed like they were going to be mature about the whole ordeal. Who know, maybe Taylor will spare Calvin from having a song written about their relationship. Probably not though. We will look forward to hearing all about the breakup in Swift's next album.

We thought this breakup might pass with no drama, but that was before Taylor Swift was spotted making out with Tom Hiddleston, not two weeks after Taylor and Calvin split, and Hiddleswift was born. Many fans said they felt Taylor moved on too quickly, while other fans were happy that Taylor had found another man. This wasn't just some fling, though. Taylor and Tom have been inseparable ever since they were first spotted together, and seem to be very much in love. They have traveled the world together already, being spotted in England, Rome, Italy, and even Australia. Fans are enthusiastic about Hiddleswift and are hoping for an engagement. Hopefully this relationship will go better than Taylor's previous ones. 

It seems to be smooth sailing for Taylor, until Taylor was caught in an unfortunate lie by Kanye West and Kim Kardashian. Kayne released a song, "Famous" back in February that had the lyric "I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex/ Why? I made that b**** famous". After its release, Taylor posted on Instagram saying that she was hurt by the lyric and that she had not approved the lyric. Kanye claimed that he had spoken on the phone with Swift and gotten approval for the lyric from her personally. We didn't hear much more about the issue after their brief spat on Twitter, until it resurfaced in July, when Kim Kardashian released Snapchats of Taylor and Kanye's phone conversation, in which Taylor gave her blessing for the lyric. Taylor clearly says that she approves the lyric and even says "I mean it's a compliment kind of". Swifties everywhere were shocked that Taylor would lie so blatantly about something like this, and were confused why she didn't own up and tell the truth. Swift fell from the pedestal she was held on, and lost her reputation as the "good girl". Many fans lost respect for her, and many people showed their support for Kanye. Moral of the story: don;t mess with Kim Kardashian and her man.

Just to top of Taylor's summer of drama, there have been rumors of Taylor Swift getting a boob job. These speculations are based on the drastic change of Taylor's size recently. Taylor is known for being a very flat-chested, thin girl, and recently she has made a dramatic switch. Maybe its natural, but more than likely she went under the knife. We may never know the truth.

As Taylor ends the summer, hopefully she can gain back some of her fans respect and support. It has been a roller coaster of emotions for Taylor Swift fans, but if nothing else, Taylor keeps it exciting. 

1 comment:

  1. I am definitely a pop culture junkie, so I love this kind of stuff! But it is so crazy how fast information about celebrities spreads through social media. I remember when Kim K released the videos on snapchat... the internet was blowing up! And I am totally guilty of contributing to all that hype. Now with so many medias of social media, the drama is bigger than ever. I kindof love it.
