Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Why Pinterest Is Your Travel Best Friend

As I begin my senior year, I've started thinking about what I want to do with my last Summer before I start my job in July. Over and over again, people have told me to go travel and see the world because I won't have another opportunity to do so for a while. They have said that this is a unique opportunity and that i need to take advantage of it while I have time.

This leaves me with a dilemma, though. I know that I want to go out and see the world like everyone has been telling me, but the world is a pretty big place with unlimited cool things to see and do. I am now tasked with the job of planning a trip. This entails deciding where I want to go in the first place. After I know where I want to go, I have to find fun things to do in those specific places. After I have planned my trip, I will have to know what to wear and things I will need. Lastly, I need to figure out how to bring all the necessities with me, while still packing light. Since I've started planning my post-grad trip, Pinterest has been my best friend.

And here is why....

First, Pinterest helps you decide where to go: There are way too many places in the world to be able to decide by yourself. Pinterest has a host of articles and list of great places to visit with highlights from each. This allows you to get a taste of what each trip might be like and what sort of activities it might entail.

Pinterest is very easy to search on, so if you know what area of the world you'd like to go to or what type of vacation you'd like to take, it is easy to narrow down your travel results. For example, you could search "Caribbean vacation" or "adventure travel vacation", and come up with hits tailored to the type of trip you are interested in. Essentially, Pinterest is a specialized Google search with pictures representing each hit, that give you an idea of what that article might share.

After you decide where to go, you have to decide what to do in those destinations: It is essential to have some activities lined up for your travel destinations or you could end up in a strange city with nothing to do (or worse, nowhere to stay). Pinterest is a great resource for finding the coolest activities to do for almost any city you could think of. Next time you are planning a trip, search fun things to do in your destination, and can you will be surprised by the amazing things you can find, Many times, you can also find articles about activities that are free if you are on a budget!

After you decide where you're going and what you're doing, you have to decide what to wear, and more importantly, how to pack it: It can be difficult to decide what to wear to somewhere you have never been before. For example, when I went to Alaska in July, temperatures were sometimes in the 80s, while other times they were in the 30s. It would have been nice to know that while packing. Luckily, Pinterst has an article to tell you how to dress for just about anywhere you can think of. Once you know what to wear, Pinterest can also help you jam it all into a tiny suitcase with all the packing tips and tricks they have to offer. Pinterst will teach you what to bring and what to leave to conserve space and how to roll your clothes so they can fit into smaller spaces than you could imagine. Pinterest is a great resource for all things travel, and is always a great place to look to for ideas, and tips for traveling better.

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